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Tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ rannsachadh diofar stuthan; an-diugh tha iad ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn cairt-bhòrd. Kit and Pup investigate the world of cardboard.

Thugainn a’ rannsachadh CAIRT-BHÒRD còmhla ri Piseag agus Cuilean! Tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ cluich le bogsaichean cairt-bhùird de dh’iomadh cumadh. Ach, nuair a dh’fheuchas iad ri tùr a thogail leis na bogsaichean air fad, tha iad a’ cumail a’ tuiteam chun an làir. Saoil càite bheil iad a’ dol ceàrr? Tron rannsachadh aca, tha Piseag agus Cuilean ag ionnsachadh gun gabh cairt-bhòrd pasgadh, faodaidh e a bhith rèidh agus ’s urrainn dha a bhith làidir. Mar phàirt dhen sgrùdadh, tha neach-rannsachaidh òg a’ tomhas cho làidir ’s a tha cairt-bhòrd, le bhith a’ togail drochaid chairt-bhùird. A bharrachd air an seo, tha lorgaire beag bìodach a’ smèideadh bho aon cheann de roile cairt-bhùird.

Let’s find out about cardboard with Kit and Pup, as they play with different shaped boxes. But whenever they stack the boxes, the tower eventually falls over - what could be going wrong? Through their adventures, Kit and Pup find out that cardboard can be folded, can be smooth and can be firm. In the live action investigation, a little scientist tests the strength of tubes by building a cardboard bridge and in the material world, a mini explorer waves from the mouth of a cardboard tube.

5 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Matthew Gilmour Wright
Narrator Shreya MacKenzie Saul
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions
