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Episode 4

Episode 4 of 8

Ramsay travels to the Moray and Aberdeenshire coasts for the ultimate weekend away. Ramsay a’ lorg deireadh sheachdain sònraichte mu chladaichean Mhoireibh is Obar Dheathain.

According to Ramsay MacMahon the only thing to get you through the 9-5 is to have an action-packed weekend to look forward to. With this in mind he heads to the Moray and Aberdeenshire coast for a few days.
Starting his trip in the picturesque seaside village of Cullen, he discovers both natural and man-made wonders – the stunning bow fiddle rock formation off the coast and the eight-span Cullen viaduct that towers over the houses of the town.

Ramsay visits Pennan, the coastal village immortalised in the film Local Hero, and meets American couple Bill and Lynne who, having held the film in great affection over the years, eventually decided to make the place their home. Finishing his coastal journey in Fraserburgh, Ramsay visits Kinnaird Head Lighthouse, the very first lighthouse on mainland Scotland.

Tha Ramsay MacMahon den bheachd nach fhaigh thu tro sheachdain obrach mur eil rudan matha a’ feitheamh ort aig an deireadh sheachdain. Chì sinn dè tha roimhe timchioll cladaichean Mhoireibh is Obar Dheathain.

A’ tòiseachadh ann an baile beag Cùillean tha e a’ foighneachd dè ’s inntinniche - a chreag nàdarra, Creag Bogha Fìdhle, no an tarbhealach a thog daoine àrd os cionn taighean a’ bhaile.

Tadhlaidh e air Pennan, baile a tha fhathast ainmeil às dèidh am film Local Hero, far a bheil e a’ tachairt air càraid Ameireaganach, Bill agus Lynn: chòrd am film riuthasan cho math is gun do rinn iad an dachaigh ann a sheo. Tha Ramsay a’ crìochnachadh cuairt nan cladach anns a’ Bhruaich, agus a’ tadhal air taigh-soluis Rubh’ a’ Chinn Àird, a’ chiad fhear riamh air tìr-mòr na h-Alba.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

Last on

Thu 10 Jun 2021 23:30
