Eurovision Choir Gothenburg
Joy Dunlop a toirt còisir Albannach gu Eurovision ann an Gothenburg. Joy Dunlop takes a Scottish choir to Eurovision competition in Gothenburg.
Prògram aithris mu dheidhinn Còisir Albannach a bhios a’ gabhail pà irt airson a’ chiad uair ann am farpais Eurovision do Chòisirean 2019 ann an Gothenburg. ‘S i an ceòladair agus preseantair telebhisein Joy Dunlop a bhios a’ stiùireadh còisir Alba, air an tarraing às gach ceà rnaidh den dùthaich. Leanaidh sinn a’ phrogram an turas aca a-null a Ghothenburg agus an iomaigeainn roimhe mus seinn iad air bealaibh britheamhan Eurovision ‘s an t-saoghal gu leir – beo air TBH. Tony Kearney ag aithris.
Documentary programme about a Scottish choir making their debut at the Eurovision Choir 2019 competition in Gothenburg, Sweden. Musician and television presenter Joy Dunlop leads the choir, drawn from all over Scotland. The program will follow the choir’s journey to Gothenburg, and their nail-biting performance before the Eurovision judges, and the rest of the world – live on TV. Narrated by Tony Kearney.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Dà là ri dhol
Duration: 02:28
- Christmas Eve 2019 20:30
- Mon 30 Dec 2019 20:30