Japan Day 5
It's the final day of the boys' team's adventure in Japan, where they have been learning the national sport of sumo wrestling. Cheered on by presenter Karim, can they beat the locals?
It’s the final day of the boys’ team adventure in Japan, for rugby player Franc, American footballer Reef and gymnast Sol. Over the course of five days, under the guidance of head coach Sensei Inahara and cheered on by presenter Karim Zeroual, the boys have been learning the art of sumo wrestling.
Today they have to put everything they have learnt into practice as they are taking part in a sumo tournament against some top youth players.
Looking the part in the traditional outfits of sumo wrestlers, in front of a local crowd and cheered on by Karim, can they pull off a miracle, avoid injury and beat the locals at their own game?