Episode 3
Ruairidh Alastair looks at the place of the monarchy in today’s society. Have the royals had their day or are they here to stay?
Sa phrògram seo tha e a’ coimhead air à ite a’ Mhonarcachd nar saoghal an-diugh. A bheil an latha aice seachad – no am bì i buan? Tha e a’còmhradh ri sà r-eòlaiche air poileataics agus tomhas bheachd, am Proifeasar John Curtice.
Tha à ite-còmhnaidh aig a Bhà nrigh ann an Dùn Èideann: thèid e a choimhead a bheil an teaghlach rìoghail da-rìreabh a tarraing luchd-turais. Tha fear a tha measail air a’ Bhà nrigh ag innse carson – ach coinnichidh e cuideachd ri ball den bhuidheann Republic, buidheann a tha deònach cuir as dhan Mhonarcachd.
Tha am beachdan là idir fhèin aig ar pannal òg, agus cabhag an innse.
In this episode, Ruairidh Alastair looks at the place of the monarchy in today’s society. Have the royals had their day or are they here to stay? He sits down with the country’s leading expert on polls and politics, Professor John Curtice.
The Queen has a residence in Edinburgh, so he travels there to find out if the royals really do boost tourism. A fan of the Queen tells Ruairidh Alastair what he likes about her. And he meets a member of Republic, a campaign group seeking the abolition of the monarchy.
As ever, our panel of young people have strong opinions and aren’t afraid to share them.
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Duration: 01:34
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- Sat 16 Nov 2019 22:00
- Mon 18 Nov 2019 23:20