The Ticket Episodes Episode guide
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Rory Nellis, Tea Poldervaart, Kathryn Harkup, Eanna Hardwicke and Mark Bingham
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Garrett Carr, Michael McHale, Sinead O'Shea and Bossa Nova Blue
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Jack Warnock, Sean Ronayne, Leesa Harker, Sharon Machala & Maisie Adam
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston presents the guide to going out.
Colin Murphy, Andrew Ryan, Viv Groskop, The Gap Year & The Magic Mod
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston presents the guide to going out.
Ursula Burns, Lucy Porter, Martina Devlin, Andrew Johnston & Red Priest
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Donal Gallagher, Pat Gribben, Out To Lunch Festival, Joyce's Dubliners, Jos Houben & Amadan Ensemble
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Jake O'Kane, Chris Kavanagh, Rosemary Jenkinson and Luke McGibbon
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Caroline Curran, Holiday Cabaret and Grainne Duffy
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston presents the guide to going out.
Andy White, Muireann Bradley, Red Riding Hood and The Sorcerer's Apprentice
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston presents the guide to going out.
Peter Corry, Ken Fanning, Anne Gildea, Niall Quinn & Michele Devlin
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Sean Hegarty, Neil Keery, Tim Burden, Chris McComiskey & Aiden Scott-Browne
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston presents the guide to going out.
Marie Jones, Grimes & McKee, Neil Delamere & Sarah Lyle
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston presents the guide to going out.
John Meagher, Ruairi Conaghan, Trevor Gill, Gemma Hutton, Colm McCready, Fergus Wachala-Kelly & Dan Leith
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Aoibha, Paula McFetridge, John Patrick Higgins, Rory McSwiggan and The Wise Guy
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Winnie Ama, Clare McMahon, Eva O'Connor, Luail Dance Company & Do Nothing Day !
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Vokxen, Paul McEneaney, Kat Woods, Fred Cooke and The Spooky Squad
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Emer Maguire, Dominic Montague, Cara Jones, Joe Nawaz, Hejira & Saoirse Van Merkom
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston presents the guide to going out.
The Showhawk Duo, Michael Patrick & Oisin Kearney, Sheena Wilkinson and Dark Forest Theatre Company
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston presents the guide to going out.
Victoria Geelan, James Murphy, Henry Normal and Michael Staley
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Susie Blue, Will Reade, Alice McCullough, Ruth Free, Karen Hawthorne, Sean Harkin, and Owen O'Neill
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Monday's Child, Rose Coogan, Benjamin Gould, Anna Leckey, Rachel McCarthy, Jamie Duffy
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Heritage Open Days, Kealan McAllister, Christine Bovill, Tim McGarry
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Ken Haddock, Ruaidhr铆 Maguire, Mary McCabe, Yuriy Yurchuk and Julia Jay
From movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston presents the definitive guide to going out.
Andrew Combs, Bianca Del Rio, Kat Woods, Nuala Donnelly and Phil Walker
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Utropiks, Samantha Porciello, Broad Strokes, Paul McMordie and Neil O'Brian
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Nuala McKeever has just the ticket.
Lauren Bird, Michael McHale, Mags Byrne and Gary Hustwit
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston has just the ticket.
Colin Reid, Roots, Bright Umbrella and Ballet
From blockbuster movies to comedy gigs, Kathy Clugston presents the guide to going out.