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Episode 30 of 104

Tha Flop ag ionnsachadh do Bing is Pando mar a nì iad builgeanan. Flop teaches Bing and Pando how to make bubbles.

Tha Flop ag ullachadh stuth builgeanan is tha e a sealltainn dha Bing agus Pando mar a bhios iad a sèideadh is a dèanamh builgeanan. Chaneil Bing toilichte nuair a chì e Pando gam bruthadh ach, aig a cheann thall, tha e ag ionnsachadh gu bheil e spòrsail.

Flop prepares a bubble mixture and shows Bing and Pando how to blow bubbles. Bing isn’t happy when Pando burst the bubbles, but he soon learns that it is fun to do so.

Available now

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Bing Benny Walsh
Flop Iain Mackinnon
Pando Finlay Morrison
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Editor Phil Reed
Writer John Carmichael


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