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Episode 14 of 104

Chan eil Bing a' faireachdainn gu math 's mar sin, chan urrainn dha cluich aig taigh Sula. Bing isn't feeling very well and so can't go to Sula's house to play today.

Tha Bing air a bhith a sreathartaich 's a' faireachdainn teth 's mar sin chan eil Flop gus leigeil leis cluich aig taigh Sula. Tha Bing gu math t霉rsach gum feum e fuireach a-staigh ach tha Sula a' tighinn le pr猫asant a chuireas air a dh貌igh e.

Bing has been sneezy and feeling rather hot, so Flop decides that he needs to stay home and recover. Bing isn't happy and feels quite sorry for himself, but Sula comes with a surprise to cheer him up.

Available now

7 minutes

Last on

Mon 20 Jan 2025 17:10


Role Contributor
Bing Benny Walsh
Flop Iain Mackinnon
Sula Holly Duffy
Amma Evelyn Coull Macleod
Executive Producer Bill Macle貌id
Producer May Smart
Writer Alec MacDonald
