Toyboys, Sugardaddies and Shakespeare
If your wedding clashed with a major sporting event would you ban guests from watching it and when it comes to romance how big an age gap is acceptable?
Vinny is joined by Liz Kennedy and Gerry Carlile for some lively conversation.
Last week a wedding reception in Liverpool was happening at the same time as the Champions League final. The bride sent round a note to say that they would not be showing the football and guests should not be watching it on their smart phones but show respect to the wedding party. Why are weddings so fraught - from how many of your parents friends you have to invite to the bride who wanted 7 bridesmaids but expected them all to buy their own terrible dress which they would never wear again? We discuss the do's and don'ts.
Age Gaps - when it comes to romance is there such a thing as too big an age gap or does love really have no limits?
We saw the story this week of the 23 year old woman planning to start a family with her 65 year old husband and debate if that is a good idea.
And our mini-series what I wish I'd known when I was 25 continues tonight with film director Tom Magill from the Educational Shakespeare Company.