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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 8

Making gifts from an old tweed coat and other ideas for gifts with Shona Masson. A’dèanamh tiodhlacan a seann chòta clò agus prèasantan eile, cuide ri Shona Masson.

Shona Masson is on a mission not only to reduce waste but to create exciting new things as she does it.

She visits the Oxfam shop in Glasgow’s Byre’s Rd, where she finds an old tweed coat. She challenges Angela MacMillan in Inverness to make a gift from the tweed. Angela certainly rises to the challenge and makes four gifts including a bag, some cufflinks and a hip flask, and there’s plenty of tweed still left over for other projects.

Shona also makes plant holders from glass yogurt pots and a clock from a scratched record as gifts for friends.

Tha Shona Masson a’cur roimhpe sgudal a’lùghdachadh – agus rudan inntinneach ùra a chruthachadh leis.

A‘rùdhrach ann am bùth Oxfam air sràid nam Bàthchanan an Glaschu tha i a’lorg seann chòta clò – is chan eil i fada foighneachd do Angela NicMhaoilein an Inbhirnis an tèid aice air tiodhlac a chruthachadh leis. Nach eil Angela a’tilleadh thuice le ceithir prèasantan, baga, searrag-phòcaid agus cleaspan ceann-muilichinn. Agus tha clò air fhàgail as an dèan i feum fhathast.

Tha Shona fhèin a’dèanamh soithichean lus a seann phoitean iogart – agus gheibh caraid gleoc a chruthaich i a seann chlàr-ciùil millte.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes
