Episode 5
This week's programme celebrates the life of Jim Reeves. Daniel's guests are Al Grant, Tony Kerr, Patrick Feeney and Matt Leavy.
Ceòl Dùthchasach na h-Èireann. Opry le Daniel, le Daniel O’Donnell a’ lìbhrigeadh agus Anna Nic na Ceà rdaich ag aithris. Tha an còigeamh prògram a’ comharrachadh beatha Jim Reeves le sgeulachdan agus òrain.
Am measg na tha air an à rd ùrlar a’ dèanamh luaidh air Reeves tha na rionnagan ceòl dùthchail, Al Grant, Tony Kerr, Patrick Feeney agus Matt Leavy. Air a chlà radh ann an Forà m nam Mìle Bliadhna ann an Doire agus ann an cuideachd luchd-èisdeachd, tha Opry a' toirt a-steach an luchd-ciùil dùthchasach as cliùitiche bho air feadh Èirinn.
This episode commemorates country music legend Jim Reeves in song and story. Those paying tribute to Reeves include country stars Al Grant, Tony Kerr, Patrick Feeney and Matt Leavy.
Recorded before an audience in the Millennium Forum in Derry, Opry le Daniel features some of the most renowned country music stars in Ireland.
Presented by Daniel O'Donnell and narrated by Anne Sinclair.
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