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Reasabaidh Làn Gaol

Tha athair Tadeas gu math sònraichte ach chan eil Tadeas ro thoilichte mun a seo. Tadeas’ father is unique, but Tadeas doesn’t necessarily see this as a good thing.

Tha Tadeas airson ‘s gum bi athair nas coltaiche ri athraichean a h-uile duine eile an àite a bhith air a bheò-ghlacadh le còcaireachd ‘s reasabaidhean. Ge-tà, feumaidh Tadeas tuigsinn gur e na rudan annasach a tha rim mealladh mu dhuine sam bith!

Tadeas wishes his father could act more like everyone else’s father, rather than spend all his time cooking and inventing recipes. However, what Tadeas must learn is that what makes a person different is what makes them special!

15 minutes


Role Contributor
Petr Benny Walsh
Producer May Smart
Executive Producer Margaret Cameron
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
