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Sàr Sheilcheag

Tha Baba a’ cur roimhe cluich leis an t-seilcheag –gus an tèid an creutair beag à sealladh. Baba plans to play with his new friend, the snail, until the little creature disappears!

Tha Baba a’ lorg seilcheag ‘s tha e airson ‘s gun cluich iad còmhla. Ge-tà, ‘s ann a tha a charaid ùr a' dol à sealladh – rud nach tuig duine ‘s gun an comas aige gluasad gu luath! Saoil am faigh iad lorg air a-rithist?

Baba has found a snail and makes plans for them to play together. However, his new friend disappears - a great mystery, given that he cannot move very quickly! Can Oona and May help Baba find him?

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Aithris John Carmichael
Oona Zoe Drysdale
Baba Adam Kaiess
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Writer Alec MacDonald
Producer May Smart
