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Iolaire Suil na Greine/Return of the Sea Eagle

Episode 3 of 14

Sùil air eachdraidh agus uirsgeulan na h-iolaire ann an Alba. Cailean Maclean explores the myths and history that surrounds the eagle in Scotland.

Tha urram agus spèis thar gach eun air a bhith aig an iolaire fad linntean. Gu h-eachdraidheil tha mac an duine air ìomhaigh na h-iolaire a chleachdadh mar shuaicheantas, a’ samhlachadh cumhachd agus neart. Ach a dh’ aindeoin sin tha cuid air fàgail air an iolaire gur e plàigh a th’ innte , ’s gu bheil iad a’ dèanamh milleadh air obair an fhearainn agus sealgaireachd.

Leis an sin, bho chionn 100 bliadhna chaidh cur s do na h-iolairean mara air fad ann an Alba, agus cha b’ ann gu meadhan na 70an a chaidh an stèidheachadh s ùr tro sgeama glèidhteachais shònraichte le iseanan air a thoirt à Nirribhidh.

Bhon uairsin tha iad air a dhol bho neart gu neart, agus tha iad a-nise pailt agus air sgaoileadh air feadh na dùthcha. Tha Cailean MacIlleathain a’ rùrach an tuilleadh mu eachdraidh agus uirsgeulan nan eun-chrèiche, mòrail seo, agus a’ faighinn a-mach an tuilleadh mun buaidh a th’ air a bhith air turasachd, an dà chuid air tìr agus muir.

The eagle has long been regarded as the king of birds. Historically, mankind has used the eagle as a symbol of strength and courage. However for some the eagle was seen as a pest, causing problems for those who make a living working the land, in particular crofters in some areas and sporting estates.

As a result, 100 years ago the sea eagle was wiped from the Scottish landscape, and it was only in the mid-70s that a unique conservation project saw them successfully reintroduced through eagle chicks from Norway.

Since then they have gone from strength to strength, and their numbers have grown massively, and have re-established themselves throughout Scotland.

Cailean Maclean explores the myths and history that surrounds these majestic birds of prey and also learns of the impact they have had on tourism, both on the land and on the sea.

58 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Cailean MacLean
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
