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Rùn-dìomhair Mossy

Tha Mossy air a bhith a' cruinneachadh dhearcagan ach tha e coltach gun deach an goid air! Mossy has been gathering a stash of berries but it seems that they have all been stolen!

Tha an sgioba luch air an stòras-bìdh aig Mossy a chur am falach air ‘s iad diombach nach eil e air bhith gan roinn mar bu choir! Ge-tà, tha e a' faighinn cothrom sealltainn dhaibh g’ eil e an dà chuid duilich ‘s dha-rìribh mar phàirt den sgioba!

The shrew crew have taken Mossy’s stash of berries and hidden them as revenge for him not sharing with them! However, he gets the chance to show them how sorry he is and that he really is willing to be a team player!

7 minutes
