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A’ Ruaig Uan Conadal

Tha Baba a' cluich cuide ri uan beag ach tha dragh air Oona nach eil sgeul air a mhàthair. Baba makes friends with a lamb but Oona is worried that there’s no sign of his mother.

Tha Baba air bhioran ‘s e air caraid ùr a lorg, uan beag frogail a tha airson a bhith ri spòrs cuide ris. Ge-tà, tha Oona iomagaineach g’ eil an t-uan beag air chall ‘s gun sgeul air a mhàthair. An tèid aca air fhaighinn air ais thuice gu sàbhailte?

Baba is excited to have found a new friend, a lively little lamb who is keen to play and adventure with the puffins. Oona, however, is worried that the lamb may be lost as there is no sign of his mother. Will they get him back to her safely?

7 minutes
