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An Dìnnear Mhòr aig Bernie

Tha Oona ‘s Baba a' cur romhpa Bernie a chuideachadh dìnnear shònraichte a chur air dòigh. Oona and Baba set about helping Bernie to prepare a very special dinner.

Tha bràmair aig Bernie ‘s tha i gus tighinn gu dìnnear a-nochd! Ge-tà, chan eil dad a dh'fhios aig Bernie dè chuireas e air dòigh! Tha Oona ‘s Baba ag aontachadh a chuideachadh ach, le Mossy nam meag, saoil am bi biadh air fhàgail mus nochd i?

Bernie has a girlfriend – and she’s on her way to the grotto for dinner! However, Bernie has no idea what to prepare for her! Oona and Baba agree to help him out but, with Mossy joining the fray, will there be any food left for the special guest?

7 minutes
