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Bernie agus an Seillean

Tha seillean glacte ann an uamhag Bhernie – an tig aig Oona ‘s Baba air a shàbhaladh? There’s a bee trapped in Bernie’s grotto - will Oona and Baba be able to save him?

Tha seillean glacte ann an uamhag Bhernie agus, gun e air biadh fhaighinn, tha e cho fann ‘s nach dèan e a shlighe dhachaigh! Ge-tà, tha Oona ‘s Baba deònach a dhol a-lorg biadh dha gus am fàs e làidir a-rithist!

There’s a bee trapped in Bernie’s grotto but, without anything to eat, he has become too weak to escape and make his way back to the hive! However, Oona and Baba are on hand to find and bring him the food he needs to build his strength back up!

7 minutes
