Learning: - All Programmes
Litir do Luchd-ionnsachaidh
Litrichean Gaidhlig do luchd-ionnsachaidh. Gaelic letters for students of the language.
91热爆 Radio nan G脿idheal
An Litir Bheag
Litirichean do luchd-ionnsachaidh ura. Letters in Gaelic for beginners.
91热爆 Radio nan G脿idheal
Y Podlediad Dysgu Cymraeg
Podlediadau amrywiol ar gyfer pobol sy鈥檔 dysgu Cymraeg, a siaradwyr Cymraeg newydd.
91热爆 Radio Cymru
Learning English Conversations
Everyday English conversations to help make your everyday conversations easier.
91热爆 Radio
The Goddess of English
Zareer Masani on why Indians worship English as a goddess who can free them from poverty.
91热爆 Radio 4 Extra
Gaeilgeoir铆 an Chogaidh Mh贸ir
The story of Irish language speakers during WWI.
91热爆 Two Northern Ireland
This is Me Totally Sausage
Henning Wehn looks at the difficulties of speaking and understanding English.
91热爆 Radio 4 Extra
An Dubhlan - Sanjeev Kohli Does Gaelic
Sanjeev Kohli has six months to get to grips with Gaelic. Is he up to the challenge?
91热爆 ALBA
An tAmhr谩n Gaeilge
Pauline Scanlon attempts to write and perform contemporary songs in the Irish language.
91热爆 Two Northern Ireland
Eoin Mac N茅ill - Fear Dearmadta 1916
Irish language documentary examining the life and legacy of Eoin Mac N茅ill.
91热爆 Two Northern Ireland
Faoi Gheall ag 脡irinn
The stories of three Ulster women and the part they played before and during the Rising.
91热爆 Two Northern Ireland
Ais茅ir铆 an Phiarsaigh
D谩ith铆 脫 Muir铆 explores P谩draig Pearse's vision for education in Ireland.
91热爆 Radio Ulster
Radharc: The Island Where God Speaks Gaelic
Bho thasglann RT脡 aig toiseach 1971. A profile of South Uist from the early 70s.
91热爆 ALBA
Feen of the Tober
Jack Delaney introduces us to the language of the Travelling people of Ireland.
91热爆 Radio Ulster
Rhewlwyr: Y 'Roadies' Cymraeg
Sut beth yw mynd 芒 roc a r么l ar y ffordd? Dyma hanes y rhewlwyr, neu'r 'roadies' Cymraeg.
91热爆 Radio Cymru
Learning English from the News
Learn the language you need to understand news stories in English.
91热爆 Radio
C貌mhraidhean Beag air Bheag
John Urqhuart in conversation with Gaelic learners
91热爆 Radio nan G脿idheal
隆Mi Madrid! Clips
Age 8 - 10. Audio clips for the Key Stage 2 MFL Spanish series 隆Mi Madrid!
School Radio
Radio Labo - Songs
Ten animated versions of the songs from Radio Labo, School Radio's KS2 French series.
School Radio
The Scots of Ulster
Our archive series uncovers the rich and diverse stories of the Scots in Ulster
91热爆 Radio Ulster
Fir F谩inne
Belfast boxer Paddy Barnes competes to win a Silver F谩inne, a medal for Irish speakers.
91热爆 Two Northern Ireland
Learning English
A dedicated 91热爆 programme to help with learning the English language
91热爆 World Service Audio
Word On The Street
A fresh, youth orientated English language teaching programme.
91热爆 World Service TV
Cymry Newydd y Cyfnod Clo
Beca Brown sy'n cwrdd 芒 rhai o siaradwyr Cymraeg newydd y Cyfnod Clo.
91热爆 Radio Cymru
Podcast for Gaelic learners presented by John Urquhart. This series is aimed at beginners.
91热爆 Radio nan G脿idheal
Speaking Our Language: The Inside Story
Personal and hilarious stories from those involved in making Speaking Our Language.
91热爆 ALBA
Dialect Programme
A live debate on the health and status of the Shetland dialect.
91热爆 Radio Scotland
Dwyieithrwydd dros y D诺r
Ifor ap Glyn sy'n teithio yn Ewrop i ddysgu mwy am sut y maent yn delio 芒 dwyieithrwydd.
91热爆 Radio Cymru
English in a Minute
This podcast is moving home - find it by searching for Learning English Vocabulary
91热爆 Radio
ABC y Geiriadur
Pam fod y geiriadur yn bwysig? Ifor ap Glyn sy'n mynd 芒 ni ar daith i ddarganfod.
91热爆 Radio Cymru
91热爆 Xtra English
91热爆 Arabic Xtra English offers lessons for anyone would like to learn English.
廿匕丕毓丞 亘賷 亘賷 爻賷 毓乇亘賷
Uisce Uisce!
Series for children who love water activities, be it sailing or zorbing.
91热爆 Two Northern Ireland