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Episode 18 of 19

Apprenticeships are back in vogue, but how effective are they in getting you ready for the modern world of work?

Tha Preantasachd na dh貌igh ionnsachaidh a tha cho aost ri na bruthaichean, agus a tha air nochdadh ann an iomadach cruth thar nam bliadhnaichean. Bheir sinn s霉il air an eachdraidh fhada, a'dol air ais gu 脿m nan s脿r luchd-ci霉ird agus preantasan, agus ch矛 sinn mar a tha an aon d貌igh ionnsachaidh air a bhith air a chleachdadh tro na linntean.

Sna 60an agus na 70an rinn an t-uabhas bho na h-eileanan air gn矛omhachasan troma leithid togail bh脿taichean Ghlaschu, far an robh cothrom aca ionnsachadh bho sh脿r luchd-ci霉ird.

Bho chionn ghoirid tha gluasad ann a-rithist gus barrachd chothroman a thoirt dha daoine airson ce脿ird a thoirt a-mach. Ciamar ge-t脿 a tha am modh-ionnsachaidh seo air atharrachadh thar nan ginealach? Agus e an seo an d貌igh as fhe脿rr gus fuasgladh a thoirt dha daoine 貌ga ann an saoghal caochlaideach na h-obrach san l脿 an-diugh.

Na Ci霉ird - sealladh inntinneach, bhl脿th air mar a tha ath-bheothachadh air a thighinn air seann dh貌igh ionnsachaidh.

Apprenticeships have been used to teach work skills for centuries, and have appeared in different forms over the years. We take a look at their long history, going back to the time of masters and apprentices, and see how the same model has then been adapted over time. The 60s and 70s in particular saw many from the islands head to the heavy industry of the likes of Glasgow's shipbuilding where they had the opportunity to learn from top craftsmen.

Now interest in being an apprentice has come back into fashion. How though has this model changed over the generations, and is this really the best approach to give young people their first steps in to the turbulent environment that is the modern world of work? Apprenticeships - a nostalgic, and fascinating look at how an enduring form of education is now back in vogue.

59 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Naomi Buchanan
