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Keeping the Peace/A' Cumail na S矛th

Children's series. When the farmer has a lie in, it's up to Bitzer to make sure his rest is uninterrupted.

脌s d猫idh an oidhche a chur seachad a' togail an leabaidh 霉r an 脿ite cadal innte...tha an tuathanach a' fuireach innte sa mhadainn airson greis a bharrachd agus tha Bitzer a' d猫anamh cinnteach gu faigh an tuathanach fois gun dragh. Ach tha Bitzer a' faighinn a-mach gur e obair l脿n-霉ine a th' ann an tuathanas a chumail s脿mhach.

After spending the night putting together the bed instead of sleeping in it the farmer has a lie in, leaving Bitzer in charge of making sure his master's rest is uninterrupted. Keeping the farm quiet proves to be a full-time job for Bitzer.

7 minutes
