Episode 12
Darren Laing investigates Scotland's Islands Bill, which aims to make the economies and demographics of Scotland's island communities more sustainable and robust.
Tha Bile nan Eilean ag amas air sluagh is eaconamaidh nan eilean air feadh Alba a dhèanamh nas treas. Tha Darren Linc an t-seachdain-sa a' rannsachadh dè tha sa Bhile, is dè feum a dh'fhaodadh tighinn à s.
Tha dùil gum bi 4 ùghdarrasan ionadail Albannach a' ruith sgeamaichean am bliadhna airson bun teachd-a-steach coitcheann a thoirt do dhaoine. Dè bhitheadh sin a' ciallachadh ged tha, dè feum a dhèanamh e, is dè bhitheadh e cosg gu nà iseanta? Tha Darren Linc air a bhi rannsachadh.
Reports on the most important stories from across Europe. In this week's programme, Darren Laing investigates Scotland's Islands Bill, which aims to make the economies and demographics of Scotland's island communities more sustainable and robust.
There is also a report on the four Scottish local authorities expected to run universal basic income pilot schemes this year. But what would such a scheme entail, who would they help, and how much would a national scheme cost?
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Alasdair Fraser |
Presenter | Derek Mackay |
- Thu 1 Mar 2018 20:30
- Sun 4 Mar 2018 20:00
Gaelic current affairs reporting on political, social and cultural issues across Europe