Dr脿ma goirid FilmG mu ghaol agus mu bhr貌n. FilmG drama short about love and loss. Ruairidh is a support-group regular who still has far to go.
Drama goirid FilmG bho 2014 le Uilleam Moireach mu ghaol agus mu bhr貌n. 脌s d猫idh dha a bhith na bhanntrach-fhir fad bliadhna, tha Ruairidh a' f脿s gu math cleachdte ri bhith a' frithealadh buidhnean taic. Tha e a' faireachdainn gu bheil barrachd smachd aige air c霉isean a-nis, ach chan fhada gun tuig e gu bheil slighe roimhe fhathast.
A 2014 FilmG drama short by Will Murray about love and loss. Following a difficult year of being alone, Ruairidh feels he is becoming a dab hand at these support groups. Just when it seems he is keeping on top of things, however, Ruairidh learns that he has still got a way to go till he is back on track.
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