Cycling sisters Kerry and Kirsty MacPhee bike Scotland's favourite cycle routes. In this episode, they are in Coigeach with Seonaidh Charity.
Sann tro na meadhanan shòisealta a fhuair na peathraichean Kerry is Kirsty Nic a'Phi à Uibhist a Deas a-mach cà ite an robh na slighean baidhseagail a b' fheà rr le muinntir na dùthcha. An turus seo tha iad air chuairt tron Chòigeach san iar-thuath cuide ri Seonaidh Charity - a chuir eòlas air an t-slighe leis cho tric sa bha e a' gabhail an rothaid seo a chèilidh air a leannan! A' tòiseachdainn aig bonn Stac Pollaidh fo cheò, tha iad a' falbh timcheall a' Chòigich.
Chan fhada gus a bheil a' ghaoth a' sguabadh na sgòthan air falbh, a' fosgladh romhpa sealladh dhe na h-Eileanan Samhraidh agus mullaich beanntan Asainnte. Tha Seonaidh là n sgeulachdan mu na sìthichean, agus tha iad a' cluinntinn barrachd mu ainmean à itichean bhon fhear a bhios fhathast na athair-cèile aige.
Cycling sisters Kerry and Kirsty MacPhee from South Uist take to social media to find out the nation's favourite cycle routes. In this episode, they are in Coigeach in Scotland's north west with Seonaidh Charity, who first got to know his chosen route as he'd often travel the road to visit his now fiancee.
Starting at the foot of a mist-shrouded Stac Polly they head off round the Coigeach peninsula. Before long the bracing wind clears the clouds to open up fantastic views of the Summer Isles and the hill tops of Assynt. Seonaidh tells the girls about the fairy folklore in the area and they meet his future father-in-law to find out more about the place names in the area.
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A’ tòiseachadh aig bonn Stac Pollaidh fo cheò
Duration: 02:24
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Kerry MacPhee |
Presenter | Kirsty MacPhee |
Director | Ramsay MacMahon |
Producer | Julie McCrone |
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Lorg fios mu na slighean eadar-dhealaichte. Discover the routes featured in the series.
Lorg fios mu na slighean eadar-dhealaichte. Discover the routes featured in the series.