Episode 2
Behind the scenes at the UK's most remote hospital, the Gilbert Bain in Shetland. An oil worker with an injured back is helicoptered off his rig miles off shore.
An oil worker with a severely injured back is helicoptered off his rig miles off shore and brought to the hospital. The team have to use all their skills and resources to stabilise and diagnose him before deciding if he can be treated on Shetland or if he will need an air ambulance transfer to the mainland.
The episode also follows a GP with Britain's most unusual commute, as he takes to the skies to carry out a clinic on Fair Isle, the country's most remote community. With no full-time doctor or nurse on the island the residents here rely on his visits.
And Eddie, a keen motorcyclist, comes into the hospital after colliding with a seagull while riding his motorcycle at speed. His Shetland sense of humour is intact, but Dr Lalla and his team are concerned about how much damage the bird may have done to his neck.