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Episode 7

Andrew Bruce has a non-stop fuelling frenzy at Wick Airport and the firefighters at Sumburgh Airport are taking part in an emergency exercise.

Anns an t-sreath-sa bidh sinn a' faighinn a-mach d猫 a tha a' dol air adhart air c霉l ghnothaichean aig puirt-adhair na G脿idhealtachd is nan Eilean tro sh霉ilean an fheadhainn a tha ag obair annta, agus bidh sinn a' coinneachadh ri feadhainn eile a bhios a' sg猫ith airson sp貌rs. An t-seachdain-sa, bidh Fred Ferrucci agus Carol Doyle a' sg猫ith heileacoptar a' gi霉lain luchd-obrach an ola air ais agus air adhart bho na crainn-ola gach latha.

Tha sinn air b貌rd a dh' fhaicinn c貌 ris a tha e coltach a bhith a' laighe air deic-heli a tha d脿 cheud troigh os cionn na mara. Ann an Inbhir 脵ige, tha am fear connaidh Andrew Bruce air a chumail a' dol, agus aig Port-adhair Sumburgh, tha an luchd-sm脿laidh a' gabhail p脿irt ann an eacarsaich ann an itealan l脿n deathach agus feumaidh iad na h-innealan analachaidh aca a chleachdadh airson na dumaidhean a sh脿bhaladh.

This series gives viewers a behind-the-scenes view of the airports across the Highlands and islands, through the eyes of the people who work there, and we also meet some people who take to the skies for leisure.

In this programme, offshore helicopter pilots Fred Ferrucci and Carol Doyle are flying workers on their routine crew-change flights to oil platforms in the North Sea. We're on board with them to experience what it is like to land on a helideck 200 feet above the sea.

Andrew Bruce has a non-stop fuelling frenzy at Wick Airport and the firefighters at Sumburgh Airport are taking part in an emergency exercise where they have to recover dummies from a smoke-filled fuselage while wearing their breathing apparatus. It's heavy going and their safety is paramount.

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Scott Brown
Producer Patricia Macleod
