Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald host coverage of the second night of the 2017 Belladrum Festival, including live sets from Feeder and The Pretenders.
Bheir Fiona NicCoinnich agus Niall-Iain D貌mhnallach f脿ilte is furan dhuibh do shealladh farsaing air F猫is Bhelladrum le s霉il air na bhios an gn矛omh thairis air tr矛 feasgair air 脌rd-l脿ir Garden agus Hothouse gan craoladh. Tha d霉il ri sluagh m貌r aig an fh猫is bhliadhnail a bhios ga cumail aig Oighreachd Bheala-drum, faisg air a' Mhanachainn.
Seo a-nis a' 14mh bliadhna de dh'Fh猫is Bhelladrum, agus tha i air cli霉 a chosnadh mar thachartas a chuireas f脿ilte air an teaghlach air fad agus a thairgeas fealla-dh脿 is sp貌rs dhan a h-uile neach a bhios an l脿thair. Air oidhche h-Aoine 's iad c貌mhlan 脿s a' Chuimrigh, Feeder a bheir dhuinn 貌rain agus nan d猫idh thig The Pretenders far comhair. Chan iongnadh e gu bheil an cuid 貌ran a' toirt seachad blas o Chrissie Hynde, agus aithnichear na h-貌rain tarraingneach, clasaigeach, ach bithidh na h-貌rain chi霉in a cheart cho dr霉idhteach.
Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald give us the full flavour of the 2017 Belladrum Festival, hosting live coverage spread across three nights from Bella's Garden and Hothouse Stages.
Each day, with full houses expected at the Belladrum Estate near Beauly, Fiona and Niall Iain will be offering a select capture of performances and backstage chat and social media shout-outs to boot. Now in its 14th year, Belladrum Festival is renowned as a family friendly celebration with a fun and welcoming atmosphere.
Fiona and Niall Iain will bring audiences the magic of Belladrum, with the most memorable moments captured as they happen. The acts on Friday night are Welsh band Feeder, followed by headliners The Pretenders. All of the great Pretenders songs bear the unmistakable stamp of their leader Chrissie Hynde and their set is recognised for its mixture of blistering classics and gentler moments.