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A selection of Gaelic song and poetry written about the First World War. Included in this episode is Norman Maclean's 'Song for the Pupils of Carinish School-2014'.

Tha an dàrna sreath de Chuimhneachan a' toirt thugaibh òrain agus dàin mun Chiad Chogadh, le fiosrachadh air cò rinn iad agus carson. Bidh na h-òrain air an seinn le Jenna Chuimeanach, Seumas Greumach, Murdigan Dòmhnallach agus Eòghann MacEanruig, le taic ciùil bho Ingrid NicEanruig, Hamish Napier agus Anna Massie.

Anns a' phrògram seo chithear mar a tha luchd-ealain an là an-diugh a' comharrachadh a' Chiad Chogaidh agus cuideachd an t-atharrachadh a thàinig air saoghal nan Gàidheal as a dhèidh. A-measg na h-òrain tha Òran do Sgoilearan Chàirinis -2014 a rinneadh le Tormod MacGill-Eain ceud bliadhna an dèidh toiseach a' Chiad Chogaidh. The e a' ceusnachadh an fhiach a bhi a' dol a chogadh. 'S e dealbh dha shì-sheanair a bhrosnaich Iain MacDiarmaid gus a' bhàrdachd Làmhan Mòra Tapaidh a sgrìobhadh airson comharrachadh ceud bliadhna bho thoiseach a' Chiad Chogaidh.

Another selection of Gaelic songs and poetry from the First World War. The songs will be sung by Jenna Cumming, James Graham, Murdigan MacDonald and Ewen Henderson, with musical support from accomplished artists Ingrid Henderson, Hamish Napier and Anna Massie.

This programme looks at how the world of the Gael changed in the years following World War I and also how writers have responded to the war 100 years on. In 'Song for the Pupils of Carinish School-2014', writer Norman Maclean uses a tragic incident from his family history to question whether it is ever worth going to war. A photograph of John McDiarmid's great grandfather, also called John McDiarmid, provided him with the inspiration to write the poem 'Hands Like Shovels'.

29 minutes
