Episode 2
Eachdraidh beatha, a' sealltainn am beatha annasach agus doirbh aig Henry Ford. Second of a two-part documentary providing a complex and revealing portrait of Henry Ford.
Dh' atharraich na c脿raichean aig Henry Ford, beatha nam milleanan agus cruth an t-saoghail gu br脿th. Thug an loidhne cruthachaidh buaidh air gn矛omhachas agus thug an "Five Dollar Day" toiseach t貌iseachaidh dhan chlas mheadhanach ann an Ameireagaidh. Bha Ford an c貌mhnaidh a' str矛, duine adhartach ach tric a' coimhead air ais, 霉r-ghn脿thach ach seann-fhasanta, c貌ir ach sp矛ocach aig an aon 脿m. Chuidich e na milleanan a-mach 脿 aonaranachd leis a' Mhodel T, ach aig an aon 脿m chruthaich e pr矛osan anns an 脿ite-obrach aige far an robh e toirmisgte a bhith bruidhinn agus a bhith suidhe. Tha an eachdraidh beatha seo, tro thasglann agus sgoilearachd rannsachaidh, a' sealltainn duine a bha doirbh, cudromach agus aig an 矛re mu dheireadh, fear a bha str矛 le duilgheadasan.
Henry Ford's car transformed the lives of millions, and redrew the grid of much of the world. His assembly line changed the character of modern industry, and his Five Dollar Day laid the foundation for the creation of the American middle class. A bundle of contradictions, Ford was at once forward and backward looking, innovative and closed-minded, generous and mean-spirited.
The same man who helped to liberate millions from social isolation with his Model T also trapped thousands in a workplace prison where they were forbidden to sit or talk. This incisive biography draws upon a rich archival record and recent scholarship to provide a revealing portrait of a complex, pivotal, and ultimately flawed figure.
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