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Theresa May apologises for election "mess"

The Prime Minister says: 'I got us into this, I'll get us out'.

Theresa May has apologised to her backbenchers for getting them "into this mess" - and has promised to get them out. We hear from a senior Conservative MP.
As the Prime Minister prepares to finalise a deal with the Democratic Unionists in Westminster - Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams says it won't be good for Northern Ireland.
So who are the Democratic Unionists and what do they stand for? We have a special report from Portadown.
Does the election result present opposition parties with an opportunity to reopen the debate about Brexit?
And after the first round of parliamentary elections, we ask what Emmanuel Macron's success could mean for France?

(Photo: Theresa May leaving Number 10; Credit: European Photopress Agency).

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45 minutes


  • Mon 12 Jun 2017 22:00
