Episode 8
Murray takes a look at the history of vehicle safety systems, while Donnie drives the new MacLaren 570S.
Tha Murray a' drà ibheadh, no air a dhrà ibheadh, ann an cà r a tha comasach air drà ibheadh e fhèin: Mercedes E-Class le Driving Assistance Plus. Tha Donnie ann an McLaren 570S, cà r spòrs a th'air a dhealbh airson a bhith air a chleachdadh a h-uile latha. Agus 's e cuairt mu dheireadh Ralaidh na Trealaich a th' ann.
Murray takes a look at the history of vehicle safety systems and how they have evolved, so that today's cars are much safer than those of the past. He is driving, or should that be being driven in, a car that is capable of driving itself. It's a Mercedes E-Class fitted with Driving Assistance Plus, a £1,600 option that takes control of the car for you. Does Murray think it's a safe option? Donnie is driving a MacLaren 570S, a £140,000 sports car with the performance of a supercar that's designed to be used every day. Is this really a car for popping to the shops or driving the daily commute in?
And it's the final of Ralaidh na Trealaich. With the Blue team leading and five points up for grabs, the Orange team can still draw level. With a wonderful trophy at stake, both teams are desperate to win.
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Tha Murray a’ faighinn a-mach mu sà bhailteachd chà raichean
Duration: 03:56
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