Episode 4
Gaelic motoring show. Donnie finds out what's involved to become a police driver, while Linda finds out all about the Baleno, Suzuki's latest small car.
Tha Donnie a' cur latha seachad c貌mhla ris na poilis, agus tha e a' faighinn d猫 tha an luib a bhith nad dhr脿ibhear poileis agus... Tha Linda a' faighinn barrachd fiosrachaidh mun ch脿r bheag as 霉ire aig Suzuki, a bhios a' dol an cois nan c脿raichean beaga eile aca, an Swift agus an Celerio. Tha an Swift ag amas air tlachd dhraibhidh, agus tha an Celerio ag amas air airgead a' shabhaladh.
Ciamar a tha am Baleno ma-th脿? Agus tha na sgiobaidhean a' coinneachadh aig Port-adhair Bheinn na Faoghla airson an ath dh霉bhlan ann an Ralaidh na Trealaich. Tha coltas air an sgioba Ghorm gu bheil iad gu math nas toilichte leis a' Volvo acasan na tha an sgioba Orains leis an Smart aca fh猫in. Ach, tha an sgioba Orains fhathast air thoiseach a thaobh nam puingean. Saoil an e seo an d霉bhlan far an tarraing an sgioba Ghorm iad fh猫in nas fhaisge orra?
Donnie spends a day with the, "Boys in Blue", and finds out what's involved to become a police driver and Linda finds out all about Suzuki's latest small car, which sits alongside their other two small cars, the Swift and the Celerio. The Swift is aimed at driving enjoyment, the Celerio affordability. So what's the new Baleno all about?
And the teams meet up at Benbecula Airport for the next challenge in Ralaidh na Trealaich. The Blue team seem much happier with their Volvo, than the Orange team with their Smart. The Orange team are still ahead on points though. Could this be the challenge where the Blues claw some of that lead back?