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Pr貌iseict Oidhche Shamhna
Episode 10 of 52
Tha na Floogals air an clisgeadh an-diugh. Animated children's show. It's Halloween and the Hoomans are in costume - and the Floogals are petrified.
Nuair a ni na daoine deiseil son oidhche Shamhna, tha na Floogals air an clisgeadh g' eil coigrich air tighinn nam measg. An d霉il g' eil iad uile ann am f矛or chunnart, tha iad son rabhadh a thoirt dha na daoine fi霉 's ma th猫id am faicinn.
When the Hoomans get ready for Halloween, the Floogals think trouble-making aliens have invaded. Convinced that they are all in trouble, they think that they must warn the Hoomans despite the risk of being seen.
Last on
Wed 24 Jun 2020