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We ask parents if they would leave an 11-year-old alone in a hotel room and go out to a party - Michael Gove and his wife are accused of doing just that.

We ask parents if they would leave an 11 year old alone in a hotel room, and go out to a party - Michael Gove and his wife are accused of doing just that.

The Employment Minister is considering stopping unpaid internships, because he says they discriminate against young people from poorer backgrounds.

The government says it's going to reform the much criticised Work disability assessment. Labour says it should be scrapped - but do we need to keep the benefits bill under control?

Plus a woman who survived rape tells us why she waived her anonymity to support a 14 year old who was attacked in Oxford a few weeks ago.

3 hours

Last on

Sun 30 Oct 2016 22:00


  • Sun 30 Oct 2016 22:00