Pepsi v Coca-Cola
Tha am pr貌gram seo ag innse sgeulachd Cogadh an Cola. This programme tells the story of the Cola War.
Tha an t-sreath seo, Aghaidh ri Aghaidh a' d猫anamh coimeas eadar dithis air a bheil sinn uile e貌lach, a' sealltainn a' ch貌mhstri a bh' eatorra agus mar a thug seo buaidh air ar beatha l脿itheil.
Pepsi v Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola v Pepsi: c貌mhstri a th' air a bhith a' dol c貌rr air ceud bliadhna eadar d脿 bhuidheann. Bha Pepsi a-riamh a' sabaid an aghaidh Coca-Cola, a' cosnadh an tuilleadh obair, 's iad a' leasachadh gu bhith reic biadh. Bha Coca-Cola cuideachd aig 脿rd 矛re leis an deoch luachmhor aca air 貌l air feadh an t-saoghail gach mionaid dhen l脿. Ged a bha iad a' sanasachd timcheall an t-saoghail, cha robhas a-riamh a' cluinntinn mun ch貌mhstri a bh' eatorra. Tha am pr貌gram seo ag innse sgeulachd Cogadh an Cola, a' t貌iseachadh anns na b霉ithtean cungaidh ann an Ameireagaidh suas chun an l脿 an-diugh, le gn矛omhachas luach na billeanan.
Face to Face is a series of comparative portraits featuring two well-known figures, seen through the prism of their rivalry. The scale and scope of their contention went far beyond mere personal antagonism; the results of their confrontation have often changed society and deeply impacted our lives.
Pepsi v Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola v Pepsi: a duel between giants which has lasted for more than a century. Pepsi, the eternal challenger, becoming a food giant through acquisitions and diversification. Against it, the market leader, Coca-Cola and its legendary soda, consumed a billion times a day. Two giants, each worth over 拢20 billion, with more than a hundred thousand
employees. They inundate the world with their advertisements, but never talk about their endless conflict.
This programme tells the story of the Cola War from its infant days in American drug stores to its multibillion-pound industry in the modern world.