Documentary in which Cathy MacDonald explores the locations, folklore and history that have inspired Diana Gabaldon's hugely successful Outlander.
Tha Cathy NicDh貌mhnaill an t貌ir air na h-脿itichean, an dualchas agus an eachdraidh a thug air Diana Gabaldon leabhraichean Outlander a sgr矛obhadh. D猫 an fh矛rinn a tha air c霉l an saobh-sgeul a tha a' t脿ladh luchd-leantail gu Alba 脿s gach ce脿rn dhen t-saoghal? Tha Cathy a' cluinntinn bho Diana ciamar a th貌isich i air sgr矛obhadh, agus a' faighneachd d猫 thug oirre a' chiad leabhar a st猫idheachadh ann an Alba san 18mh linn.
Tha Diana ag innse mar a ghabh luchd-leughaidh air feadh an t-saoghail ri 矛omhaigh na h-Alba san leabhar, a' ceangal fh猫in ri Alba, agus mar a tha i a' cruthachadh sgeulachd. Tha Cathy a' tadhal air 脿itichean ainmichte san leabhar agus san t-sreath telebhisein, agus a' faighinn a-mach bho e貌laichean eachdraidh mu na tachartasan f矛or air an c霉laibh. Tha i a' coimhead air a' bheul-oideas a chleachd Diana, eadar sgeulachdan mu eich-uisge gu t脿charain.
Cathy MacDonald explores the locations, folklore and history that have inspired Diana Gabaldon's hugely successful Outlander. What is the fact behind the fiction that has brought fans flocking to Scotland from across the globe? Cathy talks to Diana to find out how she became an author and asks why she decided to set her debut novel in 18th-century Scotland. Diana talks about readers' reactions across the world to the Scottish imagery in the book, her close connection with Scotland and her creative process.
Cathy visits some of the places connected with the book and the television series and finds out from historical experts about the real background to the book's setting. She also looks into the Highland folklore Diana has drawn upon, from waterhorses to changelings.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Cathy MacDonald |
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