Tha d脿 phreseantair 霉r aig sgioba D猫 a-nis?. The first programme in the new series sees two new presenters joining Derek, Annabel and Megan in the studio.
Tha sgioba D猫 a-nis? air ais le sreath 霉r eile agus bidh d脿 phreseantair 霉r san st霉idio cuide ri Derek, Annabel agus Megan - ach saoil c貌 iad? Bidh sgoilearan 脿 Bun-sgoil Ghe脿rrloch a' feuchainn air r猫is Puingean nam Boingean agus ch矛 sinn mar a chaidh dhan sgioba aig F猫is Eadar-n脿iseanta Dh霉n 脠ideann nuair a chur iad beagan 霉ine seachad cuide ris a' Bhubbleman.
A new series of D猫 a-nis? begins with two new presenters joining Derek, Annabel and Megan in the studio. Gairloch Primary School will be the first to attempt the 2016 hopper challenge, Puingean nam Boingean, and we find out how the team got on at the Edinburgh International Festival in the company of the Bubbleman.
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Sreath 霉r, preseantairean 霉ra!
Duration: 00:30