Fiona Stalker presents a guide to what's happening across Scotland, including gardening and weather. With guests, quadruple amputee Jamie Andrew and TV presenter Paul Murton.
Quadruple amputee Jamie Andrew reveals all about his very latest incredible feat - conquering Switzerland's Matterhorn.
Presenter, film-maker and historian Paul Murton joins Out for the Weekend with details of his very latest enthralling TV show - Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands.
Ever wondered what it would be like to be a Duchess and live in a castle?! The Duchess of Argyll aka Eleanor Campbell will be giving us the lowdown on her day to day schedule!
And if that's not enough Eleanor will also be giving us the [many] highlights of this weekend's forthcoming Best of the West Festival
Find out what happened when Fiona finally met up in person with our resident astronomy expert Steve Owens at his Glasgow Planetarium base...
We will also be getting the details on Fiona's much anticipated and long awaited attempt at her Duke of Edinburgh Diamond Challenge...
We find out more about just some of the artists opening their doors to the public as part of NEOS and we speak to Ironman and Ironwoman competitors!