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It is the twin's birthday party, and chaos ensues when their friends arrive. The Wise Old Elf tries to entertain them, but they are too much of a handful.

Tha c貌-l脿-breith nan c脿raid ann agus tha p脿rtaidh gu bhith aca! Tha an t-Seann Mh脿ileachan Glic a' feuchainn ri na s矛thichean beaga a chumail toilichte ach tha seo a' f脿illigeadh air is iad a' faighinn mu sgaoil 's ag adhbharachadh buaireadh uabhasach! Tha R猫ibean Ruadh, an Sp霉inneadair, gan cur fo smachd ge-t脿 agus Nanaidh a' d猫anamh tuil slaman-milis dhaibh gus cr矛och a chur air an l脿.

It is the twin's birthday party, and chaos ensues when their little friends arrive. The Wise Old Elf tries to entertain them, but they prove too much of a handful, turning the Wise Old Elf into a mouse and ending up in the secret room. The room contains a terrible magical force never to be let out, but luckily Redbeard the Elf Pirate bravely saves them all. Nanny finishes off the day by creating one of her famous jelly floods, and all is well in the Little Kingdom!

15 minutes
