Episode 6
Exploring the harsh working environments endured by Alaska's fishermen. On the last day of the season Dino lands on a hotspot, but he must fend off desperate fishermen to keep it.
A h-uile samhradh tha bradain a' d猫anamh an slighe suas a Chaolas Cook airson s矛olachadh anns na ceudan de aibhnichean. A' feitheamh orra tha Balaich Iasgach Alasga, deiseil airson an glacadh aon uair eile. Ann an dh脿 no tr矛 sheachdainean feuchaidh iad an tuarasdal bhliadhnail aca a dh猫anamh a dh'aindeoin trioblaidean teicnigeach, s矛de chaochlaideach, daoine a' dol an aghaidh
a ch猫ile agus poilis na st脿ite a' cumail s霉il gheur orra.
Air an l脿 mu-dheireadh den t-s猫asan tha Dino a' lorg pailteas de dh' 猫isg ach tha feum aige an t-脿ite a dh矛on bho na h-iasgairean eile. Tha Wes ann an trioblaid le einnsean briste agus le sin, tha coltas ann gu bheil an l脿 aige seachad, mus fhaigh e air t貌iseachadh. Gu deas, tha Taylor ga fhaighinn fh猫in air a chuairteachadh le b脿taichean eile agus feumach air comhairle bho athair. Nuair a tha Gavin a' smaointinn gu bheil c霉isean a' dol gu math, tha e a' sracadh an l矛on aige ach chan eil sin a' dol a chur bacadh air.
Every summer, schools of salmon swim from the Pacific Ocean through the Cook Inlet and up more than one hundred rivers and streams to spawn in what is an epic migration. Waiting at the end of their journey, the Alaskan fishermen are ready to net the catch of a lifetime. They attempt to make an entire annual wage in a few short weeks while facing mechanical breakdowns, unpredictable weather, heated confrontations and rigorous state police patrolling.
On the last day of salmon fishing season Dino lands on a hotspot, but he must fend off desperate fishermen to keep it. Meanwhile, after an engine failure, Wes's day might be over before it begins. At the southern end of the fishing zone things get crowded for Taylor, and he must turn to his father for advice. And after a strong start, Gavin tears his net but refuses to give up.
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Ciamar a th猫id dhaibh gun ach aon l脿 iasgaich ri dhol?
Duration: 01:22