Episode 4
A selection of Gaelic song and poetry written about the First World War. The final episode looks at the war's legacy through the eyes of those who were writing after it had ended.
Ann an sreath 霉r, Cuimhneachan, cluinnear taghadh den bheartas 貌rain agus bh脿rdachd Gh脿idhlig a chaidh a dh猫anamh mun Chiad Chogadh. Bidh Art MacCarmaig, Linda NicLe貌id, Murchadh D貌mhnallach agus Raibeart MacDhonnchaidh a' seinn taghadh de na h-貌rain sin agus cluinnidh sinn cuideachd mu na sgeulachdan air c霉laibh cuid de na d脿in.
Anns a' phr貌gram mu dheireadh dhen t-sreath bidh s霉il ga thoirt air d矛leab a' Chogaidh Mh貌ir tro sh霉ilean nam b脿rd a bha a' sgr矛obhadh anns na bliadhnaichean 脿s a dh猫idh.
Bha d霉il gun cuireadh a' Chiad Chogadh crioch air a h-uile cogadh ach cha do chuir agus tha cuid de bh脿ird a' ceasnachadh de cho feumail sa tha cogadh san fharsuingeachd. Ach aig a' cheart 脿m thathar mothachail air cho cudthromach sa tha e nach t猫id 矛obairt nan saighdearan a chaidh a shabaid a dh矛chuimhneachadh.
Series featuring a selection from the wealth of Gaelic song and poetry written about the First World War. The series features specially recorded performances by four of Scotland's finest Gaelic singers - Art Cormack, Linda MacLeod, Murdo MacDonald and Robert Robertson - as well as readings from both songs and poems.
The final programme looks at the legacy of the war through the eyes of the bards who were writing in the years after it had ended. It was thought that the war would be 'the war to end all wars', but that wasn't the case, and that realisation led many poets such as Murdo MacFarlane to question the effectiveness of war in general. However, at the same time, it is realised that the sacrifice of those who went into battle should never be forgotten.
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Cuimhneachan/ Remembrance
Series featuring a selection of Gaelic song and poetry written about the First World War.