Episode 5
Roghainn bhon chuirm le Fred Moireasdan is Flook aig Piping Live! 2015. Highlights from the Fred Morrison and Flook concert at Piping Live! 2015.
Na p矛osan as fhe脿rr bho chuirm Fred Moireasdan & Flook aig F猫is Piping Live! 2015 ann an Glaschu. Oidhche sh貌nraichte de che貌l na p矛ob ann an Glaschu aig 脿m f猫is Piping Live! Gheibh sinn uair a th矛de de che貌l na p矛ob bho Patrick Molard, 脿s a' Bhreatainn Bhig; am p矛obaire iongantach, Fred Moireasdan; agus ce貌l an fh矛deag bhon ch貌mhlan cli霉ideach Flook.
Highlights from the Fred Morrison and Flook concert at this 2015s Piping Live! Festival in Glasgow. A phenomenal night to mark theend of the World Pipe Band Championships at this year's Piping Live! An hour of Pipe music from Brittany's Patrick Molard, renowned piper Fred Morrison and the groundbreaking whistle music of Flook.