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Episode 9

Episode 9 of 11

Quizmaster Gilleasbuig Ferguson and team captains Ruairidh Munro and Carina Macleod are back to test the musical knowledge, wit and kazoo-playing skills of their guests.

Fo stiùir Gilleasbaig "fasanta, àbhachdach" Fearghasdan, le Carina NicLeòid agus Ruaraidh Rothach aig ceann nan sgiobaidhean, s' e Fonn Fonn Fonn an t-sreath a tha a' dearbhadh eòlas-ciùil na th' air aoigheachd air ais air an tbh. Tha na kazoos air an ceannsachadh ach chan eil leisg air duine seo na tàlantan aca le òran, inneal-ciùil neo fiù's dannsa fhoillseachadh. Is dòcha nach bi e ceòlmhor ach faodaidh tu a bhith cinnteach nach bi e sàmhach! Aoighean na seachdain sa, Tormod Macleòid, Michelle NicDhòmhnaill, Marie NicMhathain agus Sean Macleòid.

Quizmaster Gilleasbuig Ferguson and team captains Ruairidh Munro and Carina Macleod are back to test the musical knowledge, wit and kazoo-playing skills of their guests. Resident musician Findlay Napier takes his ukulele playing to new heights, if you can hum it he can play it, as the teams try and impress him with their very disparate skills. This week's guests are Tormod Macleod, Michelle Macdonald, Marie Matheson and Sean Macleod.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

28 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Gilleasbuig Ferguson
Participant Carina MacLeod
Participant Roddy Munro
