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Igam Ogam very rarely does what she is told. In this episode, she wants everyone around her to guess what she will be up to next.

Chan ann tric idir a n矛 Igam Ogam mar a dh'iarras orra! An-diugh tha i airson 's gun tomhais a h-uile duine mun cuairt orra d猫 an ath rud a tha i a' dol a dh猫anamh. 'S iad a dh' fheumas a bhith foighidneach le Igam Ogam!

It's very rare that Igam Ogam does exactly what she is told. In this episode, she wants everyone around her to guess what she will be up to next. They certainly need a lot of patience when dealing with Igam Ogam!

10 minutes
