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Ceitidh M貌rag is na Seudan Luachmhor

Children's series. Katie Morag's grandmas are very different. Granny Mainland is stylish, but Granny Island doesn't care about material things.

Tha Ceitidh M貌rag mothachail gu bheil an d脿 ghranaidh aice cho eadar-dhealaichte! Tha Granaidh Baile measail air aodach spaideil agus seudan luachmhor, ach chan eil dragh a' choin aig Granaidh Eilean mu nithean saoghalta mar sin! Tha Ceitidh M貌rag den bheachd gu bheil feum aig Granaidh Eilean air seudan snog. Ciamar a th猫id dhi?

Katie Morag is very aware that her grandmothers couldn't be more different from each other. Granny Mainland is so stylish and loves fancy jewellery, and Granny Island doesn't care about material things. How will Katie get on trying to find some precious gems for Granny Island?

14 minutes
