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An Alien/Alien Caught Short

Children's series. When Shaun's old friend the alien drops by for much-needed loo break, he leaves Shaun in charge of his intriguing new gadget.

Nuair a tha an Alien, seann charaid Sheonaidh, a' cur feum air an taigh-bheag a chleachdadh, tha Seonaidh ro dhe貌nach gun cleachd e na goireasan aige! Fhad 's a tha e a-muigh, tha e a' f脿gail Seonaidh an urra ris an inneal leusair....ach tha fhios nach bi l脿mhan Sheonaidh nan t脿mh!

When Shaun's old friend the alien drops by for much-needed loo break, Shaun is only too happy to let him use the facilities in the farmhouse. While he's going about his business, he leaves Shaun in charge of his intriguing new gadget. Can Shaun resist the urge to give it a go? Of course not!

5 minutes
