Mairi MacRitchie meets some of the country's finest cooks, who share with her their recipes. In this episode Mairi gathers recipes for weeknight suppers.
Tha Mà iri NicRisnidh air chuairt eile tron Ghà idhealtachd is nan Eilean a' coinneachadh ri sà r-chòcairean a sheallas dhi am biadh is fheà rr leothasan a dhèanamh.
Sa phrògram seo tha Mà iri a' siubhal eadar Barraigh is Dùn Èideann, a' trusadh molaidhean airson suipeirean seachdaine a tha luath, furasta agus blasta. Tha na còcairean là n bheachdan air dè chòrdadh ris an teaghlach, eadar curraidh feòil-mairt nach bi fada ga dheasachadh, gu dòigh bhlasta air dèiligeadh le buntà ta bruich: gam fraidhigeadh le chorizo is creamh, là n truinnseir nach diùltadh duine.
Tha Mà iri a' bruidheann ri tè le ceathrar chloinne a tha eòlach air acras teaghlaich a' shà sachadh! Lof feòla le sabhs thomatoan: gabhaidh a dheasachadh oidhche ron à m, agus a stobadh dhan à mhainn as dèidh tilleadh bhon obair. Nì Mà iri an suipear seachdaine is toil leatha fhèin - Cearc Kiev, le pailteas ìm-creamha a' drùdhadh as.
Mairi MacRitchie is in the Highlands and islands meeting some of the country's finest cooks and bakers, who share with her their favourite and most treasured recipes.
In this programme Mairi is in Barra, North Uist, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Islay gathering tasty recipes for weeknight suppers that are quick and simple but equally delicious. Her cooks are on hand with suggestions that will make any tummy rumble, from a fantastic beef curry that takes minutes to make from scratch to a hearty chorizo and potato hash.
Mairi speaks to a fabulous cook and mother of four who knows how to feed a big family. Her meatloaf and homemade tomato sauce is the perfect weeknight supper, and can be made up the night before and just put in the oven when you get home from work. Mairi also makes her own classic weeknight supper, Chicken Kievs, which are deliciously nostalgic and oozing with a herby garlic butter.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Mairi MacRitchie |
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