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Berlin 25 Years On/Leag am Balla

Episode 13 of 22

Documentary looking at Germany following the fall of the Berlin Wall, told through the words of Andreas Wolff, who was a 15-year-old living in Berlin at the time.

San t-Samhain1989, bha Andreas Wolff na dheugaire de 15, agus a' fuireach ann am Berlin nuair a chaidh am balla ainmeil, agus na bha e a' samhlachadh, a leagail. Tha deagh chuimhn' aig Andreas air an là, agus air a' mhisneachd agus an dòchas a dhùisg e san ath ghinealach de Ghearmailtaich - e fhèin nam measg.

Is e a-nise 41, agus as dèidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh, tha Andreas a' fuireach agus ag obair ann an Alba. San t-Samhain 2014, 25 bliadhna bhon a chaidh am balla a leagail, ghabh Andreas cuairt bhuadhail, phearsanta gu baile àraich son an àm eachdraideil seo a chomharrachadh.

Ann a bhith a' leantainn cuairt a bheatha fhèin, agus na bha Berlin a' ciallachadh dha a theaghlach agus a charaidean, tha e ag innse sgeulachd a' bhaile agus na dùthcha , agus sinn a' toirt sùil air far a bheil a' Ghearmailt agus muinntir na dùthcha san là an-diugh, 25 bliadhna bhon a thuit am balla.

Trusadh - Leag am Balla

In November 1989, 15-year-old teenager Andreas Wolff lived in Berlin when the infamous wall, and all that it stood for, was taken down. He remembers the day well, and, as the demolition started, there was a feeling of optimism and hope that surged through the next generation of Germans as they looked to the future.

Now 41, and having learnt Gaelic, Andreas lives and works in Scotland. As the 25-year anniversary of the fall of the wall approached in November 2014, Andreas made an emotional and very personal return to his home city to mark this historic occasion.

In charting his own life journey and his family's relationship with Berlin, he tells the story of a city and a country, as we explore where Germany and its people are today, 25 years on from the fall of the wall.

Trusadh - Berlin 25 Years On.

1 hour


Role Contributor
Participant Andreas Wolff
