Mairi MacRitchie meets some of the country's finest cooks and bakers, who share their recipes. In this episode Mairi looks at comfort food recipes.
Tha Mà iri NicRisnidh air chuairt eile tron Ghà idhealtachd is nan Eileanan a' coinneachadh ri sà r-chòcairean a sheallas dhi am biadh is fheà rr leothasan a dhèanamh.
Anns a' phrògram seo tadhlaidh Mà iri air an Eilean Sgitheanach, na Hearadh agus Uibhist, a' cruinneachadh dòighean ùra air biadh a dhèanamh a bheir sòlas is sà sachadh dhaibhsan tha timcheall a' bhùird: blà th, furasta ithe, mar chuimhneachan air na seann lathaichean...Tha Mà iri a' sealltainn mar a tha ise a' dèanamh macaroni le cà ise - agus hama air a fhraidhigeadh sgaoilte air
fheadh. Nì i cuideachd am mìlsean a thogas cridhe a h-uile duine sgìth - ruadh-bharr fo chòmhdach phronnagan.
Ach arson biadh-sòlasach, cha leig thu leas tilleadh gu là ithean d'òige gun aon atharrachadh a thoirt air an dòigh-chòcaireachd. San Eilean Sgitheanach tha Mà iri a' tachairt air dà chòcaire ealanta a tha a' cur an dreach fhèin air mìlseanan traidiseanta. Tha iad a' sealltainn dhi: rus, beò le beagan spìosraidh - cnò-mheannt air a bhleith na luib agus siùcar air a theasachadh gu caramal air a
mhullach; no, dé mu dheidhinn mìlsean - ach dèanta le Panettone agus marmailèid.
Mairi MacRitchie is in the Highlands and islands meeting some of the country's finest cooks and bakers, who share with her their favourite and most treasured recipes.
In this programme Mairi is in Skye, Harris and Uist gathering delicious comfort food recipes. When only something nostalgic and warming will fit the bill, it's these recipes that you turn to.
Mairi shows us her recipe for the perfect macaroni cheese covered in crispy bacon and breadcrumbs, and she shows us how to make rhubarb crumble, the ultimate comfort food pudding.
But comfort food doesn't always have to mean a well-known recipe followed by the book. In Skye Mairi meets two fantastic cooks who have put their own spin on traditional comfort foods. They show her the perfect rice pudding spiced up with just a grating of nutmeg and a crunchy caramelised sugar topping, and a delicious, zesty bread and a butter pudding using panettone slathered with marmalade.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Mairi MacRitchie |
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