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Life Without a Wife/Beatha as aonais Bean

Episode 11 of 22

The moving stories of five men who experienced the loss of their wives and had to come to terms with life without them.

Sgeulachd dhr霉idhteach ch貌ignear fhireannach a chaidh tron aon shuideachadh. Chaill iad uile am mnathan, 's th脿inig orra a bhith be貌 脿s an aonais.

Chaill Niall MacFhioghuin a bhean grunn bhliadhnaichean air ais, ach cha do dh矛ochuimhnich e i a-riamh. Dha Uilleam 'Teddy' Caimbeul b' e an aon duan a bh'ann, san dithis aca a' togail an cuid chloinne nan aonar. Son cuid a tha nas 貌ige, leithid Gavin MacIlleathainn, a chaill a bhean o chionn ghoirid, 's an dithis chloinne aige gu math 貌g, 's e a tha dha-r矛ribh duilich smaointinn air beatha a tha air a bhith air a chur bonn os cionn. Chaill Coinneach MacThomais a bhean ann an tubaist uabhasach, agus 's e an ionndrainn an rud as duilghe dha - chaill e a bhean agus a dhl霉th charaid.

Chaill Christian Allard a tha na Bhall P脿rlamaid Albannach, a bhean nuair a bha a thri霉ir nighinn aige gu math 貌g, agus ged a b' e e d霉bhlan a bh'ann, tha buannachd phr矛seil dhl霉th theaghlaich air thighinn 脿s.

The moving story of five men who experienced the same heartbreaking life scenario when they lost their wives and had to come to terms with life without them.

Neil MacKinnon lost his wife many years ago but has never forgotten her and Willie 'Teddy' Campbell's story is very similar, with them both bringing up their children alone. Kenny Thomson lost his wife in a tragic accident, and for him the sense of loss is the most difficult thing as he lost his wife and his best friend. Christian Allard, who is an MSP, lost his wife when his three daughters were young, and although it was challenging, he now has a very strong and precious relationship with them all.

58 minutes

